About the October Count
Every second Saturday in October since 1939, members of the BOS (supported by the Ontario Field Ornithologists, the Cattaraugus Bird Club, and the Allegheny Bird Club) perform a one-day census of all birds in the BOS territory. The date was chosen to coincide with the end of the fall migration. Both experienced and novice birders participate in these counts.
There is a section compiler for each of the 28 sections in the BOS territory. These compilers assign areas within each section to parties of birders who count all of the birds in that area on the count day. The section compilers report their results to the October count compiler who totals up all of the observations, writes a report for the Prothonotary and makes a presentation to the society at a monthly meeting.
In addition to providing a fun day of birding for the BOS members and friends, the count generates data which make a real contribution to the understanding of local bird populations. The October count results along with those of the April and May counts have been presented at annual meetings of NYSOA and published in the Kingbird.
Count Compiler
Marcie Jacklin
Email Marcie: mjacklin@brocku.ca
How to Get Involved
To get involved, check the BOS Calendar for this year's October Count date. If you are available, contact the count compiler (above) and ask to be assigned to a section. We welcome the participation of all skill levels!