BOS Photo Albums
Photo albums submitted by BOS members are below. These albums feature BOS field trips, events, and special bird sightings that our members have seen. We hope you enjoy them! (BOS Members: you'll need to LOGIN, then find the link on your member homepage to add your photos.)
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MONTHLY photos contributed by our members for September - 2020.

A great find by Josh Ketry, this Buff-breasted Sandpiper was a real treat for many at the Outer Harbor on the 7th!
Contributed by: Sue Barth
Sue Barth caught this animated image of a Blue-winged Warbler gleaning for insects at Lake Erie SP on the 1st.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
During a strong SW wind event on the 2nd, Sue Barth stopped at the Seaway Slip along the Buffalo Outer Harbor and found this Laughing Gull.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This juvenile Semipalmated Plover was resting and refueling at Tifft Nature Preserve on the 3rd as documented by Megan Miller.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This Sora gave nice views along Heritage Boardwalk at Tifft NP on the 3rd along with the Virginia Rail family that has been hamming it up for viewers for the past few weeks. Photo by Megan Miller.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
James Sawusch photographed this Olive-sided Flycatcher at Amherst SP on the 3rd. This species has a narrow window when it passes through our region during autumn migration.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Initially found by Shannon Hingston on the 2nd, this pair of American White Pelicans were a one-day wonder at Jordan Harbor. Photo by Lisa Bacon.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This photo taken by Jean Hampson, also documented the American White Pelicans that rested at Jordan Harbor, Ontario on the 2nd.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
The very cooperative Least Bittern that has been entertaining folks along the Heritage Boardwalk at Tifft NP was photographed by Brad Felton on the 4th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Fantastic find by Kyle Gage at Batavia WWTP on the 5th was this Neotropical Cormorant. Several folks were able to chase the bird before the plant closed at 3. This photo taken by Jay McGowan shows how small the bird is compared to Mallards and a Double-crested Cormorant.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Josh Ketry photographed the Neotropical Cormorant in flight at Batavia WWTP on the 5th. This bird was found earlier in the day by Kyle Gage.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
While enjoying the Neotrop Cormorant at Batavia WWTP on the 5th, Jay McGowan found this subadult Laughing Gull to add to the excitement. Photo by Jeanne Verhulst.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This juvenile Red Knot was found and photographed by Connor Vara at Barcelona Harbor on the 5th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Joel Strong captured this image of the subadult LAGU In flight at the Batavia WWTP on the 6th. Notice the ragged look to the flight feathers as the bird is in heavy molt.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This superb photo features the MEGA Neotropic Cormorant from the Batavia WWTP on the right as it swam alongside a Double-crested Cormorant on the 6th. Photo by Joel Strong.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This fabulous photo of an Olive-sided Flycatcher was taken by Sue Barth at Amherst SP on the 6th. This bird was found earlier in the day by Chris Hollister.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
A fun visitor to our yard, an adult male Hooded Warbler, catching insects.
Contributed by: Sue Barth
Don Dixon captured this marvelous photo of the Buff-breasted Sandpiper found by Josh Ketry at the Seaway Slip along the Buffalo Outer Harbor on the 7th. This bird entertained dozens of birders throughout the day as it sought refuge from the high winds that likely grounded this migrant.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Another image by Don Dixon of the Buff-breasted Sandpiper found by Ketry on the 7th along the Buffalo Outer Harbor.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Keeping company with the Buff-breasted was this American Golden-Plover, also photographed by Don Dixon on the 7th at the Seaway Slip.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Connor Vara Took this unique photo of a trio of Sanderlings in flight at Barcelona Harbor, Westfield NY on the 7th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Beaver Island SP provided Sue Barth with this photo op...a Yellow-billed Cuckoo on the 4th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Two of the 11 Black Terns blown into the source of the Niagara River at the Peace Bridge by strong SW winds on the 7th. Photo by Debbie Wright from the Fort Erie side.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Another photo by Debbie Wright of a Black Tern from the source of the Niagara at the Peace Bridge from Ft Erie on the 7th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Lisa Bacon took this photo of a juvenile Laughing Gull that showed up during the SW wind event on the 7th. This bird was seen from the US side but settled into its comfort zone on the Fort Erie side of the river at the foot of Beatrice Street.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
A nice study of an in-flight Red-necked Phalarope taken by Joshua Vandermeulen from Fort Erie by the Peace Bridge on the 7th. It was nice to have confirmation for those of us on the US side of the border as these phalaropes were very distant for us!
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Another photo taken by Josh Vandermeulen from Fort Erie on the 7th. The SW wind event on this day brought many birds into the source of the Niagara including many Black Terns and this basic-plumaged adult Little Gull (lower right, dark underwings).
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Joshua Ketry caught this photo while studying shorebirds in Cattaraugus County at the Allegheny Reservoir from Bone Run Road on the 16th. This Merlin gave chase to and captured what appears to be a Semipalmated Sandpiper!
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This photo was taken by Josh Ketry on the 16th as well and documents a rare Western Sandpiper on the mudflat at the Allegheny Reservoir. Josh has been birding this mud flat for weeks and turning up fantastic shorebird records for Cattaraugus County. Just goes to show that if the habitat is available, the birds don't disappoint! The bird in profile on the left is the WESA. Notice the long, slightly drooping and wide-based bill as well as the pale face.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This Pectoral Sandpiper posed nicely for Ketry on the 16th, also at the Allegheny Reservoir from Bone Run Road, Catt County.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Bruce Robinson started checking the shorebirds at the Allegheny Reservoir as well and turned up this Stilt Sandpiper on the 14th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Just beautiful...Robert Stineman snapped this photo of a Ruby-throated Hummingbird investigating a Zinnia in Chautauqua County on the 12th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Philadelphia and Warbling Vireos are frequently confused, especially in the fall as Warblings can be very yellowish. This bird shows the classic dark cap and brightest yellow at the center of the breast. Sue Barth took this photo of a Philly Vireo at Beaver Island SP on the 11th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This juvenile Little Gull put in an appearance at the Bertie Boating Club in Fort Erie, Ontario on the 13th as documented by Ryan Griffiths. Appropriate location for this bird to show off!
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This Brant showed up early on the 10th at Lakeside Park, Saint Catharine’s, Ontario. Photo by Marcie Jacklin.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Joshua Vandermeulen took this beautiful portrait of a basic-plumaged Red Knot on the 11th at the east pier at Port Weller, Ontario. This species looks dramatically different when not in its snazzy breeding plumage.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
I’m sure you just passed all of these birds off as Sanderlings...look again. This photo was taken on the 12th From the east pier at Port Weller, Ontario by Josh Vandermeulen. Did you find the Red Knot?
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This farm field produced a nice little flock of American Golden-Plovers for Celeste Morien on the 11th in Medina, NY, Orleans County. These adults birds are in varying stages of molt.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This snazzy male Ruddy Duck was a nice bonus at the Batavia Wastewater Treatment Plant for John Gordinier on the 10th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This appears to be the first 2020 fall record of Snow Goose for the BOS region on the 14th at Kumpf Marsh, Iroquois NWR. Photo by Brad Carlson.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This Ruddy Turnstone offered a nice study at the east pier at Port Weller, Ontario on the 12th for Joshua Vandermeulen.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Note the clean and bright buff eyering, distinct spotting on the breast with a uniform olive-brown back. Catharsis thrushes are the least of tricky bird ID problems...especially when they pose as if John James Audubon was actively painting them! Christy Hibsch took this lovely photo of a Swainson’s Thrush at Hanging Bog WMA in Allegany County, NY on the 12th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
A migrating Scarlet Tanager stopped by the water fountains in the VerHague's Forestville backyard to freshen up a bit!
Contributed by: Gale VerHague
This Yellow-bellied Flycatcher posed very nicely for Sue Barth at Sturgeon Pt. on the 20th. Notice the yellowish wash extending up the center of the breast, slightly peaked crown and the eye ring that is slightly drawn back at the rear giving a tear-drop shape.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This adult Peregrine Falcon soared above the Beaver Island SP field trip led by Josh Ketry on the 20th. Photo by Ketry.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
A ‘Most Wanted’ bird on many a birder’s list would be a Connecticut Warbler. Skulky is the first term that comes to mind when thinking of this species. Ketry found and photographed this individual along Old Rt. 17 in Cattaraugus County on the 23rd.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Another image of Ketry’s Connecticut Warbler from Cattaraugus County on the 23rd. Note the complete, bold, white eyering, dusky hooded appearance and bright, uniform yellow underparts.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
D & M Ricardo were the first observers to report this Hudsonian Godwit along the east pier at Port Wexler, St Catharine’s, Ontario on the 23rd. The bird has continued into the 25th. This fantastic photo taken by Joshua Vandermeulen shows the godwits alongside a Greater Yellowlegs.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This Black-bellied Plover was found on the swimming beach at Evangola State Park on the 24th.
Contributed by: Matthew Nusstein
On the afternoon of the 30th, strong SW winds coupled with lake effect rain bands ushered this juvenile Long-tailed Jaeger into the source of the Niagara as seen from the West Side Rowing Club. Joshua Ketry captured several images of this very rare visitor to the BOS Region.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Another view of the Long-tailed Jaeger photographed by Josh Ketry on the 30th from the West Side Rowing Club near the foot of Porter Avenue.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
On the 25th, this trio of Black Vultures was photographed at Queenston Heights, Niagara, Ontario by Donna Johnston.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This young Bald Eagle impressed Greg Lawrence and I as it flew off with a Ring-billed Gull at Woodlawn Beach SP on the 12th!
Contributed by: Sue Barth