BOS Photo Albums
Photo albums submitted by BOS members are below. These albums feature BOS field trips, events, and special bird sightings that our members have seen. We hope you enjoy them! (BOS Members: you'll need to LOGIN, then find the link on your member homepage to add your photos.)
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MONTHLY photos contributed by our members for January - 2021.

The Pelham Region Townsend’s Solitaire continued to entertain until at least the 22nd. Photo by James Kennerley on the 16th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Pine Warbler continues in downtown Buffalo for the New Year! Photo by Seidman on the 1st.
Contributed by: Shelley Seidman
Sue Barth found this male Green-winged Teal on a Christmas Bird Count in East Aurora on the 2nd.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Josh Ketry found this Saw-whet Owl at Wilson-Tuscarora SP on the 1st and it was found throughout the month. Brad Carlson took this photo on the 27th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Andrea Heine caught up with this adult white morph Snow Goose at the Somerset-Barker WWTP (Niagara County) on the 2nd.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This group of Cackling Geese have been using the pond along Johnson Creek in downtown Lyndonville. This photo taken by Willie D’Anna on the 1st.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
R.Stineman has been practicing his skills photographing Short-eared Owls at the Jamestown Airport. This head-on is fantastic! January 2.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Another beauty by R. Stineman on the 2nd from the Jamestown Airport.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Ryan Griffiths took this fantastic photo of two Iceland Gulls (adult on left and 1st winter) along the Welland Canal at Thorold, Ontario on the 2nd.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This Ross’s Goose rounds out the goose ‘Full Monty’ in the BOS Study Area for January 2021. This adult white morph Ross’s was found by Jean Farnan on the 2nd in Port Colbourne, Ontario. Photo by Wally Parker on the 2nd.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
On the 7th, Shelley Seidman took advantage of a rare WNY sunny winter day and snapped this magnificent photo of the wintering male Pine Warbler at Erie Basin Marina.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Rob Sielaff took this photo of Redhead at Times Beach on the 10th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Yellow-rumped Warblers aren’t easy to come by in January locally. This individual posed for Nick Kachala along Bartel Road in Niagara County on the 8th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
One of the spectacles during the winter months is the massive raft of Canvasbacks that can be found around Grand Island. Andrea Heine took this photo from the Old Stone Chimney, Niagara Falls, NY on the 7th. Notice the gray-backed Redheads mixed in with the lighter-backed Canvasbacks.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Uncommon in winter, this Swamp Sparrow was a nice find for Gale VerHague near the town of Stockton, Chautauqua County on the 7th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Janice Strandburg-Strong stumbled upon this beauty, a Barred Owl, along Bone Run Road in Cattaraugus County on the 11th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Rob Mrowka has a flock of Evening Grosbeaks visiting his feeders in Machias, NY that is 70-strong! Photo by Alec Humann on the 12th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
The sometimes cooperative Slaty-backed Gull that has been entertaining at Goat Island, Niagara Falls made for a superb photo by Tony Dvorak on the 7th. Also pulling a cameo is the 1st winter Iceland Gull to the right...great shot Tony!
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Eared Grebe found by Gale VerHague in the Dunkirk Harbor on the 14th. This location might be the 2nd best for this species, after Batavia WWTP.
Contributed by: Gale VerHague
Ryan Griffiths found this blue-morph Snow Goose in the Welland Canal at St. Catharine’s, Ontario on the 9th. Nice that the sun made a rare appearance to make this photo pop!
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Wilson Harbor provided a skating rink for this ballet-inspired Greater White-fronted Goose on the 15th. Joel Farwell captured this image.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
A surprise find by Sue Barth was this Greater White-fronted Goose in the town of Hamburg on the 16th. Looks like there are at least three different individuals of this species around WNY this winter.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This Townsend’s Solitaire was an exceptional find by Nancy Smith on the 16th in the Pelham Region of Niagara, Ontario. Photo by Joshua Vandermeulen on the 19th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Sue Barth photographed this Hermit Thrush at Sturgeon Point on the 28th. A handful of this species overwinter annually but are not easy to find.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This sultry immature Glaucous Gull posed for Chris Sayers at Three Sisters Islands on the 18th. It’s the coffee-with-cream colored gull in the center with the bi-colored bill. A classic plumage.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This Horned Lark was one of hundreds that Joel Strong located near Chaffee Farms in Barker NY. Photo by Alec Humann on the 30th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
The Triple Crown by Joel Strong on the 27th along Lake Road at Chaffee Farms, Barker, NY...Snow Bunting, Horned Lark and Lapland Longspur.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Christy Hibsch wows us with this in-flight photo of a Short-eared Owl from Delavan, NY (Cattaraugus County) on the 24th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This pair of adult Bald Eagles seem to be inspecting this season’s nursery at Mohawk Pool, INWR on the 24th. Photo by Andrea Heine.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Another bird that is very unusual during the winter months, this American Pipit gave stellar views in Niagara Falls, Ontario on the 28th for James Kroeker.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Is it snowing? This incredible blizzard of Snow Buntings was dazzling on the 29th in Wainfleet, Ontario. Lisa Bacon was lucky to catch this photo!
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Jordan Harbor is proving to be good hunting grounds for bivalves for this immature male King Eider. Photo by Josh Vandermeulen on the 25th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This sub-adult Golden Eagle was a phenomenal find along Wilson Road, Port Colbourne, Ontario on the 27th by David Woodhouse. Wintering individuals are very rare in the BOS study area.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
A flock of White-winged Crossbills delighted observers in Wainfleet, Ontario on the 30th. Photo by Joshua Vandermeulen.
Contributed by: Alec Humann