BOS Photo Albums
Photo albums submitted by BOS members are below. These albums feature BOS field trips, events, and special bird sightings that our members have seen. We hope you enjoy them! (BOS Members: you'll need to LOGIN, then find the link on your member homepage to add your photos.)
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MONTHLY photos contributed by our members for February - 2023.

Willie D’anna sharp eyes picked out this Common Gull roosting among other gulls on the Olcott Pier on the 12th. Note the petite bill size with dark smudge as well as the large white windows on primaries 9 and 10. This species is from Western Europe and very rare anywhere in the US outside of Maritime Canada. Photo by D’anna on the 12th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Another image of D’anna’s Common Gull sitting among Ring-billed Gulls on the Olcott Pier on the 12th. The Common Gull is the bird on the right - note the dark iris, smaller, rounder head shape and the shorter and more petite bill shape. Additionally, the dark mark at the terminus of the bill on the Common is a smudge rather than the neat, well-defined dark ring of the adult Ring-billed Gulls.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This first-cycle Glaucous Gull made for a cooperative subject for Rob Sielaff at Woodlawn Beach SP on the 19th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Cazenovia Park in South Buffalo has recently been hosting a Barred Owl. Colin Gallagher snapped this photo on a rare sunny February day on the 13th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Having become more regular in recent years in the southern tier, this adult Red-shouldered Hawk was photographed by Bill Massaro on the 25th in North Collins.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
There are currently no self-sustaining Ring-necked Pheasant populations in the BOS study area but it is always nice to see one of these spectacular birds out roaming the countryside. Ben Nieman photographed this stunner along Vermont Hill Road, Holland, NY on the 7th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Ryan Griffiths photographed this Short-eared Owl near the town of Lincoln, Niagara, Ontario on the 28th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
At this time of year, Lapland Longspurs can be found transitioning into their alternate (breeding) plumage. Terri Kershaw captured this image of a male longspur near Wainfleet, Ontario on the 3rd.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Scattered individual Common Redpolls wintered across the region during winter 2022-23. Ryan Griffiths photographed this bird on the 4th at St. Catharines, Ontario.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This basic-plumaged Red-necked Grebe was a nice find by Ryan Griffiths on Lake Ontario near Lincoln, Ontario on the 15th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This 1st-cycle Iceland Gull photo by Ben Nieman exhibits all of the field marks for this species, especially the ‘soft’ head features giving the bird a gentle appearance. This photo was taken on the 5th at Dunkirk Harbor.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
It has been a rather good season for Eared Grebes in the BOS study area. This individual was photographed at Barcelona Harbor, Chautauqua County on the 11th by Tim Schadel. This image shows the ‘fluffy butt’ appearance of an Eared Grebe especially well!
Contributed by: Alec Humann