BOS Photo Albums
Photo albums submitted by BOS members are below. These albums feature BOS field trips, events, and special bird sightings that our members have seen. We hope you enjoy them! (BOS Members: you'll need to LOGIN, then find the link on your member homepage to add your photos.)
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MONTHLY photos contributed by our members for December - 2023.

This Red Phalarope that Gale VerHague found on Nov 30 at Eagle Bay, Chautauqua County continued into December 1, when Gale managed this extraordinary photo!
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Bill Massaro found and photographed this very late Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Wendt Beach Park, Erie County on the 2nd. Note the fresh blackish wing coverts above the large white wing patch indicating this bird is a first year male.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Continuing from last month, this male Baltimore Oriole has been feeding on grape jelly and meal worms at an East Amherst residence. Karen Lewis obtained this image on the 2nd.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This Brant was found in a flooded farm field by Shannon Hingston near Lincoln, Ontario on the 4th. Photo by Sandra Horvath.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Joel Strong found this beautiful adult male Harlequin Duck on the 4th from the Olcott Pier, Niagara County.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Gale VerHague took this in-flight shot of a first-cycle Glaucous Gull at Dunkirk Harbor on the 11th. Note the classic bi-colored bill and coffee-with-cream plumage of this large 4-year gull.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Shannon Hingston captured a unique perspective of this dark-morph Rough-legged Hawk on the 9th near Lincoln, Niagara, Ontario.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This is a great photo to aid in gauging the size of a Ross's Goose. The adult Ross's is in the upper left of this photo. Note how similar in size this bird is to the American Black Ducks to the right and the male Mallard to the lower right. The other small duck in this photo is a Ruddy. Andrea Heine took this photo at the Batavia WWTP on the 9th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
For those starting their 2024 list in January, a stop at Wendt Beach Park might be in order to see this Red-headed Woodpecker that seems to be overwintering at this location. Bill Massaro took this photo on the 2nd.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
An unusual record for Cattaraugus County was this adult Lesser Black-backed Gull photographed by Kyle Brock along Flatiron Road on the 4th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Ian Campbell found and photographed a flock of 14 White-winged Crossbills on the 15th at Keeney Swamp SF in Allegany County. The flock included some beautiful bright pink males!
Contributed by: Alec Humann
A very unusual record for the winter months, this Yellow-throated Warbler was photographed at a Grand Island residence on the 19th by Colleen Cardarella. This species will utilize suet as a winter food source.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
While many reports of Cackling Geese require scrutiny, this trio is a straightforward example of a 'classic' Cackler...steep forehead, flat crown, very short, stubby bill and very short neck. In certain light and with direct comparison with a Canada Goose, Cackling will exhibit an overall grayish cast to the contour feathers as well. Photo by Jean Iron at Chippawa, Niagara on the 15th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This Marsh Wren is pushing its luck attempting to overwinter at Kumpf Marsh, INWR. Andrea Heine took this photo on the 17th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
While visiting home for the holidays, Jordan Juzdowski found a pair of Purple Sandpipers at the end of the Bird Island Pier on the 24th. Photo by Jordan.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
On the 22nd, Sue Barth came across this Dunlin at Woodlawn Beach SP, a very late record for this species.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This immature male Harlequin Duck entertained birders on Christmas morning near the end of the Bird Island Pier. Most likely this is the same bird reported by Zach Almond back on the 6th and relocated by Joe Fell and Chris Hollister. Photo by Sue Barth.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Our extended mild winter weather has tempted multiple Gray Catbirds at multiple locations into overwintering. Sue Barth photographed this individual at Woodlawn Beach SP on the 22nd.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Trying to fit in with the crowd, this adult Ross’s Goose has taken up with these Tundra Swans. Ian Campbell took this photo on the 5th from the Genesee Valley Greenway, Allegany County.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This Red Phalarope cooperated beautifully as it fed in the nearshore surf at Jones Beach, St Catharines on the 28th. Photo taken by Old Bird and initially found by Robert Dimmers.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Another image taken by Old Bird of the Jones Beach, Ontario Red Phalarope. Note the thickness of the bill (thicker and less needle-like than a Red-necked) and the pale base to the bill.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Yes, they are beautiful year-round, but a Cedar Waxwing posing in an Eastern Redcedar during the winter months gives reason for pause! Lisa Bacon took this photo in Wainfleet, Ontario on the 30th. Eastern Redcedar is an important native winter food source for many birds.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
This Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is exhibiting the fineries of camouflage. This species winters locally in very small numbers. Sue Barth caught up with this individual at Reinstein Woods on the 14th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Another species of woodpecker that overwinters locally in very small numbers, this stunning Red-headed Woodpecker was photographed at Wendt Beach Park by Bill Massaro on the 10th. Red-headeds can be found wintering at favored shoreline parks such as Evangola SP, Wendt Beach, Fort Niagara, and Point Gratiot.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Sue Barth found a few Ruby-crowned Kinglets at South Park/Buffalo Botanical Gardens on the 28th. Our mild weather thus far has favored several species’ attempts at overwintering that normally depart by early December.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Continuing the theme of unusual overwintering birds, this Field Sparrow (upper right) was photographed by Gale VerHague in the Town of Sheridan, Chautauqua County on the 30th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann