BOS Photo Albums
Photo albums submitted by BOS members are below. These albums feature BOS field trips, events, and special bird sightings that our members have seen. We hope you enjoy them! (BOS Members: you'll need to LOGIN, then find the link on your member homepage to add your photos.)
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MONTHLY photos contributed by our members for August - 2017.

Glossy Ibis, Cinnamon Marsh
Contributed by: Fred Nash

Female Ruff from Somerset, Niagara County NY. The bird was found Thursday morning and continues through today (Aug 5). Photo by Joel Strong.
Contributed by: Alec Humann

Female Ruff in Somerset NY. This bird was found on the morning of August 3 and has stayed for several days. It's the alert bird on the left - notice dark splotches on breast, orange legs, buff 'plain-faced' look.
Contributed by: Alec Humann

Male Dickcissel photographed by Doug Happ at John White WMA, Alabama NY. This bird was seen carrying food and dropping into the field to presumably feed young.
Contributed by: Alec Humann

Female Ruff photographed on August 5 by Jay McGowan in Somerset NY. Lesser Yellowlegs on the right of the Ruff.
Contributed by: Alec Humann

The Somerset NY female Ruff continued into its third day in a flooded farm field. This image taken by Jay McGowan on Saturday, August 5.
Contributed by: Alec Humann

Young Cooper's Hawk - one of two siblings at Woodlawn.
Contributed by: Sue Barth

Semipalmated Plover at Woodlawn
Contributed by: Sue Barth

This Herring Gull repeatedly picked a stick out of the water, dropped it, dove for it, and then did it all over again for quite awhile.
Contributed by: Sue Barth

A Bald Eagle flyover by the waterfront
Contributed by: Sue Barth

A young male Pileated Woodpecker being fed suet by his mom at our home in Orchard Park.
Contributed by: Sue Barth

Josh Vandermeulen photographed this trio of Fish Crows in his yard on August 2, Niagara Falls, Ontario. The middle bird is an adult while the other two juveniles can be told by the pink gape. Josh isn't sure which side of the Niagara River hosted the
Contributed by: Alec Humann

Willet found/photographed by Sue Barth on August 12 at the Seaway Slip at the Buffalo Outer Harbor.
Contributed by: Alec Humann

Western Willet at the Seaway Slip on the 12th by Sue Barth. This open grassy area is a good spot to look for shorebirds, especially after rain/storms. Get there early before the dog walkers!
Contributed by: Alec Humann

Two days after the Willet, Sue Barth found this stunning Black-bellied Plover at the Seaway Slip. It stayed about 20 minutes before continuing on its journey south.
Contributed by: Alec Humann

Another cracking image of the Black-bellied Plover by Sue Barth who found this bird on the 14th at the Buffalo Outer Harbor.
Contributed by: Alec Humann

Female Mourning Warbler along the ridge at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo on the 14th. Found and photographed by Sakura Sealcat.
Contributed by: Alec Humann

Gale VerHague found this juvenile Red Knot on the beach at Dunkirk Harbor on the 23rd. To its left is a Sanderling.
Contributed by: Alec Humann

Juvenile Red Knot on the beach at Dunkirk Harbor, Chautaqua County. Gale VerHague found and photographed this individual on the 23rd after a strong cold front cleared the region yesterday.
Contributed by: Alec Humann

This juvenile Semipalmated Plover was captured in a wing-stretch at the foot of Buffalo Road in Fort Erie, Ontario on the 18th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann

Long-billed Dowitcher, Ellicott Rd, Hartland, Aug 16. Note very dark back with white edging, reduced markings below due to molt and wear but with some short bars retained on sides of upper breast, and narrow white bars on tail.
Contributed by: Willie D'Anna

Long-billed Dowitcher, Ellicott Rd, Hartland, Aug 16. Note very dark back with white edging, reduced markings below due to molt and wear but with some short bars retained on sides of upper breast, and narrow white bars on tail.
Contributed by: Willie D'Anna

Eastern Wood-Pewee feeding a juvenile Brown-headed Cowbird, Fort Niagara SP, Aug 14.
Contributed by: Willie D'Anna

Juvenile American Robin, Fort Niagara SP, Aug 14. Third brood, perhaps.
Contributed by: Willie D'Anna

Red-headed Woodpecker, Fort Niagara SP, Aug 13. Adult and juvenile.
Contributed by: Willie D'Anna

Juvenile Stilt Sandpiper, Porter-Center Rd, Porter, Aug 12.
Contributed by: Willie D'Anna

Olive-sided Flycatcher, Lower Lake Rd, Somerset, Aug 9.
Contributed by: Willie D'Anna

Juvenile Wilson's Phalarope, Ellicott Rd, Hartland, Aug 2.
Contributed by: Willie D'Anna

Peregrine Falcon: it zoomed past me in a vain attempt to catch a young Brown-headed Cowbird at the Buffalo waterfront.
Contributed by: Sue Barth

On the 27th TWO Olive-sided Flycatchers entertained birders at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo.
Contributed by: Alec Humann

On the 27th, two Olive-sided Flycatchers entertained from the tree tops between Warbler Ridge and Mirror Lake at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Frequently, the two would sit very close to each other.
Contributed by: Alec Humann

Another photo of the Times Beach Loggerhead Shrike by Becky Harbison on the 31st. This individual is likely part of the very small remaining population that breeds on the Carden Alvar north of Toronto.
Contributed by: Alec Humann

Sakura Sealcat photographed this Great Egret with its mammalian prey, a bat, at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo.
Contributed by: Alec Humann

An incredible find by Shelley Seidman on the 31st at Times Beach was this Loggerhead Shrike. It has been decades since this species has occurred in the Buffalo area. Color bands indicate this bird is likely part of the breeding population in Ontario.
Contributed by: Alec Humann