BOS Field Trips and Events

BOS Travel Trip - Falsterbo, Sweden with Alec Humann

Date: 9/8/2024   (Sunday)


Details: (click for more)

UPDATE - This departure is full. Please reach out if you are interested in the next trip to Falsterbo in September of 2025!

This is just a heads up that this trip is currently being planned by my contact/guide. This trip will be limited to 7 participants, plus myself, and will span a week; we fly home on Monday, September 15. Flights for western Europe depart in the afternoon from the eastern US, fly overnight and arrive at destination the following morning/afternoon.
Our flight will depart Buffalo for Copenhagen, Denmark where our guide, Stephen, will pick us up and then we drive 45 minutes across the Oresund Bridge to southwestern Sweden.
Falsterbo has a bird observatory where point counts and banding are conducted and our tour will be based nearby. Daily itinerary will be dictated by the weather as this is a migration bottleneck, like legendary Cape May, NJ or Point Pelee, Ontario. This tour will coincide with a wide variety of migrants, and if migration isn't especially active we will head inland to search out forest species such as Black Woodpecker! Target birds will be pretty much everything…Eurasian Hobby, Bearded Reedling, Eurasian Curlew and Oystercatchers, Pied Avocet and Lapwing, several species of Harrier, Wagtails, Pipits, Green Woodpecker and so forth and so on! Stay tuned for updates! If you are interested, let me know so that I can add your name to the participant list.

If September of 2024 doesn't work for you, I will be planning to go again in September of 2025. If 2025 works better for you, let me know and I will add you to the participant list for then.

Sample checklists from the same time of year…

Photo is of an Eurasian Green Woodpecker.

Meeting - Member's Night

Date: 9/11/2024   (Wednesday)

Location: Buffalo Museum of Science (map)

Details: (click for more)

Meet at 7 pm in the Cummings Room.

Our first meeting back after summer break. Members...please bring photos from your summer travels to share with the rest of us. Load your photos onto a thumb drive and bring with you.

Also looking to sign members up for the October bird count; whether as compilers or volunteers within the sections. Please help us improve our coverage from last year.

Field Trip - Woodlawn Beach SP with Seaghan Coleman

Date: 9/14/2024   (Saturday)

Location: 3580 Lake Shore Rd, Blasdell, NY 14219 (map)

Details: (click for more)


Leader - Seaghan Coleman ( 716-435-7753

Meet at 730am in the main parking lot.

Join Seaghan this morning as our group seeks out migrants during the busy month of September. Even without a good cold front, migrants are moving through the region nightly and you never know what the day might bring.
With its range of diverse habitats, Woodlawn offers respite to weary winged travelers in the form of sand beach, riparian woods, open lake, grassy dunes and a creek! Neotropical migrants may entertain us in the woods while various sandpipers use the beach to pick through the high water mark for food. Gull flocks that loaf on the beach may offer up more unusual species such as Lesser Black-backed or Little.
Woodlawn regularly supplies the BOS statisticians with review species. Among them are gems such as Piping Plover, American Avocet, Blue Grosbeak, White-eyed Vireo and Cave Swallow.
This will be a half day trip wrapping up around 11:30. Wear footwear appropriate for walking through grassy trails and loose sand.

This image of an American Golden-Plover was taken by Sue Barth at Woodlawn Beach SP on September 4, 2022.

Field Trip - A Big Sit at Silver Lake SP with Matt Nusstein

Date: 10/5/2024   (Saturday)

Location: Silver Lake SP boat launch (map)

Details: (click for more)

Leader - Matt Nusstein
(716) 446-3376

The Big Sit: Saturday October 5th, 8:00am (8 hours, onsite)

Meeting location: Silver Lake State Park Boat Launch

Founded in 1992, The Big Sit is an annual, international birding event similar to a bird-a-thon. The catch is that all observations must be made from within a circle no more than 17 feet in diameter. Our count circle will overlook the southern portion of Silver Lake. You can stay for as little or long as you’d like to help with the count or to learn more about the birds of Silver Lake. Bring a picnic lunch if staying for the lunch hour. At the very least, you will have Matt's undivided attention for the duration! This is in Wyoming County for those of you looking to beef up your eBird list for Wyoming Co!

Dominic Sherony - Feathered Marvels-the story of the book

Date: 10/9/2024   (Wednesday)

Location: Buffalo Museum of Science (map)

Details: (click for more)

BOS October Bird Count

Date: 10/12/2024   (Saturday)

Location: Throughout the BOS Study Area

Details: (click for more)

Saturday, October 12th, 2024

BOS members are encouraged to participate. Please help us add to the decades of records that the BOS has collected reflecting population dynamics of the area birdlife. You can be part of a field team or simply count birds at your backyard feeder. All observations are important! If you don't know what section you live in, please contact Marcie Jacklin who will put you into contact with the correct section compiler. Thank you so much!

Compiler: Marcie Jacklin ( or 905-871-2577)

More about the October Count: more info »

Photo of an Orange-crowned Warbler by Gale VerHague from the Town of Sheridan, Chautauqua County on October 12, 2021.

BOS Travel Trip - Cape May, NJ with Alec Humann

Date: 10/23/2024   (Wednesday)


Details: (click for more)

UPDATE 3/27/24 - this trip has filled. I have started a wait list, so please reach out if you are interested in being added to the wait list.

We will focus our time on Cape Island (south of the Cape May canal) at all the famous hotspots. Being a migration bottleneck for southbound birds, our itinerary will be greatly influenced by the werather. The great thing about Cape May is that there is ALWAYS great birding to be had - whether a NW wind is blowing birds our way or not!
A pontoon boat trip into the salt marsh, Higbee Beach, the Hawkwatch, South Cape May Meadows, and other hotspots will be on our itinerary. We will also visit Stone Harbor/Nummy Island and the Avalon Seawatch. and I will try to arrange for hawk and owl banding demos. I will be plugged in to the local RBA so we can keep up on reported rarities. Participants are expected to book their own accommodations (I will assist with this) as well as travel to/from/around Cape May. All BOS members are invited. Below is a sample itinerary...

Wednesday, October 23
730-900. Coral Avenue Dune Crossing on Cape May Point. We will gather on the wooden deck overlooking the Delaware Bay and enjoy the dawn passerine flight, early raptor flight, gulls, terns and shorebirds.
900-1200. Stop for breakfast/lunch at Wawa and then go the the Cape May Migratory Bird Refuge aka 'The Meadows' (Nature Conservancy Property). We will walk the gravel trail through the freshwater marsh out to the ocean/beach. Birds of interest here include shorebirds and herons/egrets, bittern, terns, possibly hawk flight overhead and VA Rail and Sora.
1200-400. Hawkwatch. If the hawk flight isn't happening we will walk the trails at Cape May Point State Park. If raptors are flying, it will be awesome! Not only do raptors pass over the hawkwatch but so to many other birds. Bunker Pond, in front of the platform, will have a great collection of waterfowl, usually including several Eurasian Wigeon. We will have plenty to look at!
400-630. Siesta, shower, catch your breath.
630. Group dinner at Congress Hall’s Blue Pig Tavern
830. Possible owl banding demo if any birds have been caught at the net check around this time and then to bed!

Thursday, October 24
730-900. Coral Avenue Dune Crossover for the morning passerine flight - as yesterday.
900-200. Pick up breakfast/lunch at Wawa and head north to the Avalon Seawatch; weather permitting. This is staffed by a CMBO employee for the entire fall season. We should expect to see plenty of scoters, Red-throated Loons, Gannets, Brant and others. More uncommon species include Purple Sandpiper, Parasitic Jaeger and occasionally Humpback Whale!
200-400. Drive back to Cape May (about 30 mins), take a nap, visit CMBO bookstore on your own if you like
430-600. Sunset at The Meadows. We will walk out to the observation tower and look west for possible Long-eared Owls to come out of roost, as well as American Bitterns flying up out of the marsh in front of us and whatever else we may be privy to see!
600-630. Possible owl banding demo if any birds are caught upon opening nets.
730-830. Group dinner at Lucky Bones.

Friday, October 25
730-1100. Stone Harbor and Nummy Island Loop. We will stop at the Wetlands Institute to check the marsh for possible Yellow-crowned Night-Heron and Glossy Ibis. At Stone Harbor Point we will walk the beach in search of shorebirds like Western Sandpiper, Sanderling, Turnstone, Black-bellied Plover, etc... We will stop on Nummy Island to check the marsh for Nelson's, Saltmarsh and Seaside Sparrows, Clapper Rail, herons and egrets and Oystercatcher.
1100-430. Drive back to Cape May (15 mins), pick up lunch and go to the hawkwatch. Bird around the State Park trails/ponds/beach. If the hawkwatch isn't exciting, we will head over to The Rea Farm/Beanery to walk the trails there for songbirds. We may also check Lily Lake for interesting waterfowl.
430-530. Rest back at hotel before dinner.
600-730. Dinner at Bella Vida.
800. Possible owl banding demo if birds are caught.

Saturday, October 26
730-930. Walk the trail at The Meadows for shorebirds, rails, herons and other waders.
930-1230. Salt marsh safari aboard The Skimmer, which is a flat-bottom pontoon boat. The boat leaves from Cape May Inlet Marina. We will be hoping for up close looks at Clapper Rail, Tricolored and Little Blue Herons, Oystercatcher, Brant, Seaside and Saltmarsh Sparrows, Great Cormorant and more.
1230-200. We can get lunch and head to the hawkwatch or if the weather isn't conducive, we can eat lunch at The Lobster House which is close to the marina.
230-500. Bird Higbee Beach or Hidden Valley for passerines and then end the trip. No group dinner tonight.

So this is a tentative schedule. We will plan on chasing any rarities that are found during our 4 days and that will of course affect our schedule. Some of the target birds include Clapper Rail, Seaside, Nelson's and Saltmarsh Sparrows, Marbled Godwit, American Oystercatcher, Western Sandpiper and Red Knot, Parasictic Jaeger, Purple Sandpiper and more!
If any of the days sound too intensive, remember, you can always head back to your hotel for a rest or stay at the hawkwatch when we go somewhere else. A WhatsApp group will be set up so everyone can stay in touch. It will make it easier to reconnect with the group of you decide to bow out of a time slot for some reason. Other hotspots we may add in or supplement with are Sunset Beach/Magnasite Plant, Cox Hall Creek and 2nd Avenue Jetty. Whatever we do, we are going to enjoy lots of great birds! If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me (

Photo is of Marbled Godwits.

Field Trip - Lake Ontario Plains with Willie D’anna

Date: 11/2/2024   (Saturday)

Location: Top's Market in Wrights Corners, north of Lockport, NY (map)

Details: (click for more)

Saturday, November 2, 2024 - Lake Ontario Plain Field Trip for fall migrants.
*PLEASE be mindful of the weather date which will be Sunday, November 3, 2024.

Meet at 8 AM at Tops Market in Wright's Corners. This is on the east side of Route 78 and Route 104, north of Lockport.

Leader: Willie D'Anna (716-751-3637 or

This trip is a car caravan of sorts, plying the rural roads of Niagara County in search of late fall migrants. Every year is different, but with all of the fields and open space habitat we will check, it is reasonable to see Northern Harrier, American Kestrel, and possibly early winter arrivals such as Northern Shrike and Rough-legged Hawk. Horned Larks should be added to the day's list as well. A few stops along the Lake Ontario shore lookouts should produce Horned Grebe and several species of scoters and other diving ducks.

PLEASE NOTE - this field trip can be moved to Sunday as a rain date. This will be an annual standing possibility due to the likelihood of inclement weather at this time of year!

Photo of a Purple Sandpiper on the Olcott Pier, November 10, 2023 by Willie D’anna.

Meeting - Topic TBD

Date: 11/13/2024   (Wednesday)

Location: Buffalo Museum of Science (map)

Details: (click for more)

Meeting - Holiday Celebration

Date: 12/11/2024   (Wednesday)

Location: Buffalo Museum of Science (map)

Details: (click for more)

Annual Holiday Celebration at 7:00 PM in the Cummings Room of the Buffalo Museum of Science.

Please bring a treat to share and enjoy an evening of birding friendship.

BOS Travel Trip - Amazon of Ecuador with Alec Humann

Date: 1/11/2025   (Saturday)


Details: (click for more)

UPDATE - This departure is full. If you are interested in this trip, a wait list has been started. Please email me for the itinerary at

The bulk of the trip will be spent between two Amazonian lodges situated along the Napo River, which is a tributary of the mighty Amazon. Both Sani Lodge and Napo Wildlife Center (links embedded in the itinerary) have canopy towers which will offer spectacular views of the tree tops and close views of birds that would be very difficult to see from the ground as well as a clay lick where parrots/parakeets/macaws come in the early morning to ingest the clay minerals which help to neutralize toxins found in rainforest fruits and seeds. A recent video taken at Napo of an adult Crested Eagle raiding an Oropendola colony had me quite captivated! Travel to/from these lodges is in motorized boats which will offer views of birds and mammals as we come and go.
There are so many iconic species to be seen such as Blue-and-Yellow-Macaw, Zigzag Heron, Hoatzin, Horned Screamer, Gray-winged Trumpeter, Blue-throated Piping-Guan, Swallow Tanager, Ladder-tailed Nightjar, several of the large Woodpeckers, and Hawk-Eagles among so many, many others! We will take an interior flight from Quito to Coca to start off our Amazon tour. On the return trip, we will drive back towards Quito with stops along the way.
Our guide has also added Bellavista Cloud Forest Lodge which is in the cloudforest belt of the Andes. This will get us into position to see a different suite of birds such as Plushcap, Tanager Finch, White-faced Nunbird and others.

Photo is of male Swallow Tanagers.

BOS Travel Trip - Costa Rica - Relaxed and Easy with Alec Humann

Date: 3/15/2025   (Saturday)


Details: (click for more)

UPDATE 7/15 - This trip is now full. Wait list has been started.

UPDATE 7/03 - There are two spaces remaining for this departure.

UPDATE 6/17 - at this time, this trip is tentatively full. I anticipate 1 or 2 cancellations so if you are interested, let me know asap!
UPDATE 6/5/2024
Four spaces have already been spoken for. If this trip interests you, please get in touch with me sooner than later!

I am having Patrick O'Donnell, a great friend and previous BOS member who currently resides in Costa Rica, plan a Relaxed and Easy Tour March 15-24, 2025. This trip will extend 10 days/9 nights and visit such birdy locales such as the Sarapiqui Region, Arenal Observatory Lodge and the Cano Negro Wetlands. Despite the tour being 'relaxed and easy', participants will still come away with hundreds of species of birds! This tour will offer plenty of photo ops as well! Target birds are many. We will make special effort to see both Scarlet and Great Green Macaws, Spectacled, Crested and Black-and-White Owls, Great Curassow, Emerald Toucanet, several Motmots, White Hawk, a slew of tanagers and hummingbirds and so much more! If you are interested, please reach out to Alec for the trip details and itinerary!

Photo is of Great Green Macaws from the Sarapiqui Region.

BOS Travel Trip - Adirondacks with Joan Collins and Alec Humann

Date: 6/29/2025   (Sunday)

Location: Adirondack Hotel - Long Lake, NY (map)

Details: (click for more)

UPDATE 7/17/24 - This trip is now full. A wait list has been started.

This trip is still in its fledgling stage of planning. The date span for Joan to guide us is set, which will be Monday, June 30 - Wednesday, July 2, 2025 - which means you would plan on arriving at the ADK Hotel on Sunday afternoon/evening for 4 nights, departing Thursday morning for home. This will give us two days of guided birding with Joan and a built in rain day. If we don't need a rain day, then those who want to check out on Wednesday may do so. As soon as the itinerary and cost become available, I will email it out to the membership.

In the meantime, if you are interested in joining this trip, reach out asap as space will be limited!

I will be hiring Joan Collins as our local guide. Joan is a resident of Long Lake and has THE MOST incredible hearing! Joan is THE GUIDE TO GET for catching up to the 'Holy Trinity' of Adirondack birds - Canada Jay, Black-backed Woodpecker and Boreal Chickadee. In the past she has also tossed birds like Spruce Grouse, White-winged Crossbill and Bicknell's Thrush into the ring! We will certainly make a concerted effort to catch up with all of these specialties and more!

Tour participants will be in charge of driving themselves to the Adirondack Hotel which will be our base of operations, it is about a 5-hour drive from Buffalo. Expect early mornings - especially when we go for Bicknell's Thrush on Whiteface Mountain. We can carpool the days we are birding from the hotel since we will all be staying in the same place. Alec will reserve a block of rooms for the group.

Black-backed Woodpecker by Sue Barth at Sabbatis Bog, July 6, 2018 (BOS Tour).

BOS Travel Trip - Falsterbo, Sweden with Alec Humann

Date: 8/31/2025   (Sunday)


Details: (click for more)

UPDATE - There are 2 spaces remaining 5/28/2024

UPDATE - 5 of the 8 spaces have already been filled as of 3/28/24.

This trip will be limited to 7 participants, plus myself, and will span 8 full days of birding plus 2 travel days. We will depart on Sunday, August 31 and we fly home on Tuesday, September 9, 2025. Flights for western Europe depart in the afternoon from the eastern US, fly overnight and arrive at destination the following morning/afternoon.
Our flight will depart Buffalo for Copenhagen, Denmark where our guide, Stephen, will pick us up and then we drive 45 minutes across the Oresund Bridge to southwestern Sweden.
Falsterbo has a bird observatory where point counts and banding are conducted and our tour will be based nearby. Daily itinerary will be dictated by the weather as this is a migration bottleneck, like legendary Cape May, NJ or Point Pelee, Ontario. This tour will coincide with a wide variety of migrants, and if migration isn't especially active we will head inland to search out forest species such as Black Woodpecker! Target birds will be many including…Eurasian Hobby, Bearded Reedling, Eurasian Curlew and Oystercatcher, Pied Avocet and Lapwing, several species of Harrier, Wagtails, Pipits, Green Woodpecker and so forth and so on! Stay tuned for updates! If you are interested, let me know so that I can add your name to the participant list -

Sample checklists from the same time of year…

Photo is of the iconic White Stork.

BOS Travel Trip - Santa Marta Region of Colombia with Alec Humann

Date: 1/25/2026   (Sunday)

Location: Barranquilla, Colombia to Valledupar, Colombia

Details: (click for more)

UPDATE - this departure is already filled. If you are interested in this trip, please reach out as I can add a 2nd departure if enough interest warrants. The 2nd departure would run Sunday, February 8 - Saturday, February 20, 2026.

Tour 1 will run Sunday, January 25 - Friday, February 6, 2026.
This tour will span a full 12 days on the famous and well-travelled northern Colombia birding route including Barranquilla, the Santa Marta Mountains, the ProAves Preserves of El Dorado and Perija, the flamingo sanctuary at Camarones and more! The Santa Martas host a bevy of endemic species including Blossomcrown and Woodstar hummingbirds, an antpitta, a brush finch, the endangered Santa Marta Parakeet and more. We will not only be looking for the endemics but for other species such as Scarlet Ibis, Vermillion Cardinal, Northern Screamer, Wattled Jacana, Dwarf Cuckoo, Russet-throated Puffbird, White-tipped Quetzal, Blue-naped Chlorophonia, Golden-breasted Fruiteater and so many more jewels!
I have a Colombian guide that will make all of the tour arrangements and travel with us to show off the wonders of Colombia! The itinerary will be finished soon and sent to those that are booked on the first departure. If you are interested in the 2nd departure, let me know and I will get an itinerary to you when it becomes available!

Photo is of the endangered Santa Marta Parakeet.

BOS Travel Trip - Kansas for Lekking Prairie-Chickens with Alec Humann

Date: 4/10/2026   (Friday)

Location: Hays, Kansas

Details: (click for more)

Stay tuned for details on this trip. We will be joining Audubon of Kansas during their spring Prairie-Chicken festival. This festival offers field trips, a keynote speaker and evening socials. This trip will run for about a week…from Tuesday, April 7 to Tuesday, April 14, 2026.

***I do not have the exact date of this festival at this time, so it could run the following week (April 14-21, 2026). Please keep both weeks open until further notice if you plan to join this trip.

Pre-dawn field trips will offer views of Greater and Lesser Prairie-Chickens as the males gather to dance on their leks to impress the girls. Other field trips offered during the weekend will include the famous Cheyenne Bottoms and Quivira NWR. Species we hope to see at these locations include Franklin’s Gull, Cinnamon Teal, Baird’s Sandpiper, Snowy Plover, and Yellow-headed Blackbird. My scouting trip in April 2023 yielded a flock of 6 Whooping Cranes!
Additional trips to Smoky Valley Ranch and Little Jerusalem Badlands will offer opportunities to see Ferruginous Hawk, Say’s Phoebe, Rock Wren, and Harris’s Sparrow.
As with any BOS Travel Trip, please email Alec at if you are interested to get on the participant list!

BOS Travel Trip - Majesty of Montana with Alec Humann

Date: 6/15/2026   (Monday)


Details: (click for more)

UPDATE 5/29/24 - Not surprisingly, I already have 12 people interested in this trip so I plan on running two departures back-to-back. I am not sure what the max capacity per group will be yet, but more than likely it will be limited to 8.

Summer of 2026
Please note - this trip is very much in its fledgling stages! This trip will likely run sometime between mid-June to midJuly of 2026. As soon as my contact gets an itinerary together, I will have a better idea on a specific date range.

I am taking names for the participant list. I already have 9 people interested which means I will likely be running two back-to-back trips in order to accomodate everyone - no complaints from me! Trip duration will likely extend 8-10 days.

Target birds are MANY, but Montana is a large state! There are many varied habitats within the state including boreal forest and grasslands. Yes, Great Gray Owls nest in Montana and that will definitely be a target species - why freeze your tuchus off at Zax-Sim Bog in February?!

Other birds of interest include but limited to...Dusky and Sharp-tailed Grouse, Gray Partridge, Common Poorwill, Black Swift, Long-billed Curlew, Goshawk, Ferruginous Hawk, Williamson's Sapsucker, Lewis's and Three-toed Woodpeckers, Prairie Falcon, Pinyon Jay, Dipper, Sprague's Pipit, several finches, 2 longspurs, Brewer's Sparrow, MacGillivray's and Townsend's Warblers, Lazuli Bunting and more! Again, I will have a better idea on how many of these birds are possible once we have our itinerary!

Photo of a Great Gray Owl, Powell, Montana.